Did you know the SC Department of Agriculture has a passport program where you can earn stamps for visiting SC farms open to agritourism? Hit the road to visit ~20 farms in the Upstate (or ~70 statewide) + each farm you explore earns you a stamp, and those stamps can be redeemed for fun prizes.
Here’s where to get started close to home:
- Greenville State Farmers Market | Shop local produce Monday through Saturday.
- Farm in The Wildwood | When this farm reopens in March, you’ll be able to shop the farmstand + attend interactive classes.
- City Scape Winery | Sip wine as you indulge in charcuterie sourced from other local farms.
- Aloha Windmill Farms | This Greer farm teaches science to kids.
- Barefoot Acres | Located in Fountain Inn, this farm offers produce and flower subscriptions.
See the full list of participating farms across the state + plan your road trips accordingly.