The Upstate Native Plant Sale is back Sat., April 15 from 9 a.m.-1 p.m.and a great place to start your spring garden of native plants.
Why native plants? Planting native species in your yard and garden offers extensive benefits. Not only are many visually appealing (like azaleas and Carolina Jessamine), but they can also provide a habitat to local wildlife, enhance water quality, and save on costs when it comes to lawn maintenance and water usage.
Here are some of the native plants you can expect to find at the sale + their benefits to the environment.
- Ferns: Species like Christmas, Netted Chain, Lady, and Royal provide natural shelter and cover to wildlife like salamanders + toads, which control pests like mosquitoes.
- Grasses + sedges: Indian Grass is not just the state grass of SC, but also a great pollinator for bees.
- Perennials: False Indigo is a nitrogen-fixer that releases nitrogen back into the air and soil, aiding future plant growth.
- Shrubs: Fringe Tree fruit is a source of food to over 75 species of birds.
- Trees: Sourwood trees can live over 100 years if planted in the right spot.
- Vines: Passion Flower attracts butterflies like the Gulf Fritillary, which help pollinate and manage garden pests.
The Upstate Native Plant Sale will take place at Conestee Park (840 Mauldin Rd.). Can’t make the sale that weekend? See our list of local garden centers where you can also nab native plants.