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A letter to new Clemson students from a rising Senior

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By: Margaret Chase // Rising Clemson Senior + President of Clemson PRSSA

This is a contributor-submitted Voices piece. Learn how to be a GVLtoday contributor here.

I don’t care who you are, starting college is a scary/exciting time for everyone.

Living away from home for the first time, learning how to navigate college classes, and
balancing out your social schedule isn’t exactly easy. Your mind is about to become an
endless string of questions: “Mom, how do I start the washing machine?” “What kind of
detergent do we use?” “Where is my classroom??” “I have to read my textbook?”
“Attendance isn’t required??”

As a Clemson student about to start my Senior year, I feel far removed from these
uncertainties. But NEVER FEAR little tigers, I’m here to help. Here’s everything you need to
know if you’re about to be a new student at Clemson:

1. Go to EVERY SINGLE home football game
This is practically a requirement as a Clemson student. Find a friend whose
family tailgates, go get a free meal, and be one of the thousands of voices in
Death Valley every Saturday. No excuses.
2. Make friends with the people on your hall
No matter what residence hall you’re living in, the easiest way to make friends is
by buddying up with the people on your hall. You’re going to be brushing your
teeth together and seeing each other at your best and your worst, so you might
as well go ahead and be friends.
3. Go to Tiger Prowl and get PLUGGED IN
Tiger Prowl is the annual event for all of our clubs and organizations – they’ll
have booths set up in the football stadium with representatives ready to tell you
all about what they do. Go and sign up for anything and everything that interests
you! Try them on for size during the fall semester, then focus on the
organizations you really click with in the spring.
4. It’s OKAY if you don’t make perfect grades like you did in high school
I’m a Communication major, but had to take a Biology class freshman year as a
general education requirement. Definitely didn’t tell my mom about my first test
grade. College is SO much different than high school, so work hard, but cut
yourself some slack during the learning curve period of your first semester!
5. The dining hall is your best friend
With your freshman meal plan, you get to go in the dining halls an unlimited
amount of times per day, and get to eat as little or as much as you want every
time. That means you can grab a banana at 7:57 am on your way to your 8 am
class, but then go have a real breakfast an hour later, plus lunch, two dinners,
and cookies at 10 pm.
6. Upperclassmen are jealous of you
Yep. Every senior at Clemson wishes that they were in your shoes, walking onto
campus as a student for the first time with wide eyes and excitement for a new
adventure. Cherish your 4 (or maybe 5) years here, because before you know it,
you’ll be the one giving advice to a new Tiger.


Margaret Chase

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