East Link Academy, a Chinese Language Immersion School in Greenville County, is part of the SC Public Charter School District and therefore, open to any student. It works just like Blythe Academy (a full-time public school with state-mandated curriculum) and will be the only Chinese Immersion School in the Upstate (with a sister school in Columbia).
Here’s a breakdown of a student’s typical school day.
✏ 4K - 1st Grade:
75% of the student’s school day is spent learning math, science, social studies and Mandarin in the Chinese language
The other 25% is spent learning English reading and writing
Students don’t have to qualify for the 4K program (they are selected via an admissions lottery), but there is a $6,000 attendance fee.
✏ 2nd Grade - 8th Grade:
50% of their school day is spent learning math, science and Chinese reading + writing in the Mandarin language
50% of the school day is spent learning reading, writing + social studies in English
Interested in sending your child here? It’s simple: apply to East Link Academy by completing this enrollment application, then complete the enrollment package and pay the supplies + Mandarin fee.