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Greenville adult sports leagues

Don’t let kids have all the fun. Join a Greenville adult sports league and make new friends, exercise, and let your competitive juices flow. From darts to volleyball, there is a sport for every skill level .

GVLtoday GSL Volleyball

Winner winner, Tervis cup dinner. | Photo taken by GVLtoday for Greenville Sports League

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Are you a competitive person? Or do you just want to burn some cals and make some pals? There are plenty of Greenville adult sports leagues whether you just want to have fun, or want to win at all costs.

Greenville Sports League (GSL)

GSL’s motto is “We plan, you play.” It does all the set up, secures the venue, and makes the schedule. You can sign up on it’s website, pay your fee, and get playing. Pro tip: Check out its FAQ page.

You can either sign up with a team, or as a free agent (someone who wants to play but doesn’t have a team). If you sign up as a free agent, GSL will put you on a team with other free agents.

With GSL, you can play:

GSL also has opportunities to referee your favorite sport. You may have seen City Editor Stephanie mention she refs and plays sand volleyball.

Greenville County Rec (GCR)

GCR offers a wide variety of sports leagues, and you can sign up as a team or a free agent.The 2024 calendar is already up, so you can plan ahead.

Get your athlete on with:

The hardest part is signing up, but we know you can do it.