To be an effective citizen, you have to be a knowledgeable one.
How does our local government work? Where can I have a say? Who can I go to if I have a problem? What resources are available to me?
Class is in session, Greenville. We’re teaching Greenville Government 101, where we break down different aspects of our local government.
Lesson one: Short term rentals
There’s been buzz over the past few years about short term rentals (think: Airbnb + VRBO). Are they allowed? If so, where?
The City of Greenville passed its most recent zoning code in 2023, and that code does not allow rentals for under 30 days in residential zoning districts.
Here’s how to check if you can list your home on a short term rental site:
- Drop your address in this map. If it’s in a MX-2, MX-3, MX-5, MX-D, MXS-2, MXS-3, MXS-5, MXS-D, BG, BH, IX, or CM zone — you can rent your property.
- Apply for licensing. All short term rentals in the City of Greenville must have permits.
- Pay your accommodations taxes. You’ll owe 3% on the 20th of each month.
Note: Short term rentals also include 31-89 day rentals, and those are allowed in RH-A, RH-B, RH-C, RH-D, RN-A, RN-B, RNX-B, RN-C, RNX-C, RC-2, RC-3, RC-5, IG, CV, or PK.
Do you have a question about local codes or government? Let us know, and we may answer it as part of our Local Government 101 series.