Clemson launches center for AI research

In a winter meeting, Clemson’s Board of Trustees gave the greenlight for the creation of a center that would focus on synthesis + research of AI technologies for the betterment of humans.

Clemson University Statue that states Clemson was established in 1889

Clemson University marker

Clemson is making waves in the world of education and technology again, this time with AI with their Center for Human-Artificial Intelligence (CU-CHAI, if you’re in a rush).

While there is no set date for the program to launch, the university is looking to launch fall 2024. Its aim: Understanding how humans can interact with AI.

CU-CHAI will also work to address fears related to the negative impacts that some worry about in the world of AI. Specifically, the research facility will look at how AI can benefits humans in a collaborative way for human benefit.

The university is expected to spend a little over $1 million over the first 5 years after its launch. Along with this project, Clemson will introduce new jobs. The board projects that the center will need close to $200,000 for initial cost, with a sizeable amount being used for staffing.

The center will be headed by Dr. Nathanial McNeese, who boasts a 15-year career of studying subjects like collaborative technology + artificial intelligence.

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