What you need to know about SC Comicon

From cosplaying to collectibles, here’s what you need to know about SC Comicon.

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Who says you can only dress up on Halloween? | Photo by @jenumicosplay

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This weekend, you might see a group of Stormtroopers eating pizza at Sidewall, an over-sized Pikachu sharing your Uber, or Chewbacca in line behind you at Methodical. We hear that Wookies like lattés.

Don’t freak out. These are normal people in costume (i.e. cosplay) attending the Upstate’s biggest comics + pop culture convention. SC Comicon returns this weekend to the Greenville Convention Center bringing all kind of superheroes + fantastical creatures with it.

What is SC Comicon?

SC Comicon is like a big party for people who like to dress up as their favorite pop culture characters, shop art and comics, and hang out with industry members. There’s a cosplay contest on Sunday, April 7 at 3 p.m., but you don’t have to dress up to attend the Con.

Who will be there?

You might bump into some of these famous guests while you’re exploring the convention. Note: Buying a ticket to the convention does not guarantee you’ll meet your idol.

How much are tickets?

  • Saturday passes are $30 (plus taxes and fees)
  • Sunday passes are $25 (plus taxes and fees)
  • 2-day passes are $40 (plus taxes and fees)
  • VIP passes $110 (plus taxes and fees) + get you a VIP print, one or more exclusive comics, a VIP T-shirt, and 30 minute early admission both days.

We con’t wait to see you there.

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