Lulu, the dog and titular character from “The Lovely Adventures of Lulu,” a new children’s book, is giving back to the Greenville community. Author and Greenvillian Holly Nunn wrote this book about her dog’s traveling adventures, and a portion of the proceeds benefit the Greenville Humane Society.
Lulu is a worldly dog, and has traveled far and wide to places like:
- Saratoga Springs, NY
- Charlotte, NC
- Greenville, SC
- New York City
Told from Lulu’s point of view, the book follows the 9-year-old pup (and sometimes her canine bestie, Molly) on her many journeys as she “lives her best life.” The book features Lulu’s opinions on things like getting a new sibling, mischief making, and riding in a cart (spoiler alert: she does not care for it), and includes plenty of photos.
Get your paws on a copy here.