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Asked: Why are there no food trucks in Cleveland Park?

food trucks

Answered: There IS a food truck in Cleveland Park, Pink Mama’s (which is on hiatus, as winter conditions are not optimal ATM ❄️) usually sits outside of the zoo. Thanks to Mari from the City for sharing this info with us.

But if we seriously gave you the whole story in our subject line + one sentence, we would probably lose our jobs (jk, but you guys would definitely think we are slackers). So we looked deeper + asked more questions:

🍖 How do food trucks get their license?

Interested parties should fill out the Food Truck Permit Application (which is super extensive – better have the business hours + locations planned already).

🍔 Where can food trucks park?

To be specific, mobile food vendors are permitted to park in Zoned areas C1, C2, C3, C4, RDV and S1. But we’ve mostly seen them at:

🌭 How many food trucks does Greenville have? 29. Everything from BBQ sandwiches to shaved ice.

🌯 Where are the kitchens the food trucks cook in?

🌮 Why aren’t there any food truck rodeos in Cleveland Park?

According to Mari from the City (thanks again for your help 🙏 ), there really isn’t enough business within Cleveland Park for more than one food truck/concessionaire. However, if a promoter/producer was interested in hosting a special food truck event, the City would be responsive. We’re lookin’ at you event planning people – this could be huge!

Here are some food trucks we found that you may not know about. Or maybe you do + want to share your fave dish (we love trying new food).

And don’t miss the Food Truck Rollout at Greer City Park tonight. Should be a lot of fun (or at least a lot of food). 🍗

– Jordan

P.S. Interested in buying your own food truck? Check out listings here.

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