6 reasons you need a doctor (even if you’re not sick)

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Photo credit: Unsplash

As a 26-year-old healthy woman who works a lot and treasures her time with her dog, I get it – no one wants to spend an hour (or more) at a doctor’s office in the middle of the work week.

But there are some benefits to having a doctor even if you’re not sick. Here’s why:

👩‍⚕️To establish your version of healthy + create a relationship: If you’re comfortable with your doctor, you’re more likely to ask questions that you may not want to (but probably need to) and to be more vocal about your concerns. Plus, it will allow your doctor to get a picture of what your “normal” health looks like so he or she can tell when something’s off.

😷 To be ready in case you *do* get sick: If something happens that you’re not expecting, like the flu catches up with you or you get knocked on the head, it’s good to already have a doctor rather than trying to get a new patient appointment and having to wait weeks.

🏥 To practice prevention: Even if you don’t have symptoms, they might catch something serious that needs attention. Better safe than sorry.

💊 To know your risks: Does your family have a history of heart disease? Cancer? Diabetes? It’s good to be aware of those risks but also know how to prevent them.

💭 To keep your body + mind in check: It’s easy to notice when something isn’t right physically (i.e. that lump on your ankle) but sometimes it’s harder to notice when your mental health isn’t in order. That’s why it’s important to have a routine mental health screening to identify warning signs.

💉 To prepare for vacay: We’re jealous, but you may need to know about required vaccines for certain countries.

If you’re thinking ‘I may actually need a primary care doctor, but who should I go to’Glad you asked. Click here to find a doctor close to where you work or live.

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