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What do you want us to cover in 2018?

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All of December, we pushed things off until the New Year – including meetings + ideas. We realized that it was probably for the best to hold off on our ideas for this year until we asked you for some of your own.

So tell us –

  • What can we help find out for you?
  • What do you want us to cover this year?
  • Want to know how something works?
  • What can we help you understand?
  • What about upcoming developments or construction you’ve seen around town?
  • What don’t you know that you’d like us to investigate?

In the future, we hope to be more conversational to find out what you guys want to know. We want to hang out in places just to observe + listen (not with our noses in our phones doing Insta stories).

Let us help bring your curiosities to light + find some answers.

Here’s what y’all told us:

Just wondering, would it be feasible to add a little section on who are the top companies in Greenville and it’s surrounding areas, what they do, and any possible employment opportunities (Undergraduates/Graduates) I’m not saying to get in the business of company marketing or job advertising, but just generalize overview. I’m living in Greenville for the past 4 years and still not aware of what all these companies business ventures are about. Thanks - Rohan J.

Love GVL, how about stories on home remodeling; cheap sources for materials, ideas, current trends, suppliers, custom tradesmen, landscaping sources and trends, etc... Make Greenville Beautiful! - Scott R.

Would like to see more emerging musicians from right here in the upstate. - Lukas R.

I would like to know what is made in Greenville/the Upstate. We all know BMW, Michelin, Dukes, etc... but as Greenville grows so does its “list of credits”. (I bet the newbies in town don’t know that Texize created Fantastik right here in Mauldin?) And I’m not just curious about manufacturing, but what else is created here and shipped out? Solutions to IT issues, medical advances in research, art that has reached a commercial level, media campaigns, to name a few...... - Lisa S.

Definitely want to know about progress of development plans for Pointsett Hwy! And in case anyone with influence sees this, that road needs a TARGET puhLEASE!!! - Alex H.

I was wondering if you might highlight some sites to go see like Poinsett Bridge, Campbell’s Covered Bridge, or the historic mills in the area, etc. - Keith G.

I would like to know more about what’s happening in Dunean including the Dunean Mill (is that still operating?) and other developments. - Tiffany

I really want to know more about Greenville’s resources for the homeless around town. What shelters do we have? What are the requirements for someone to walk in and be a client/recipient of the services? - Katherine P.

Dance scene in greenville and what’s available to adults. I love dancing! Whether classical, line, club, etc. and would like to know more about who offers dance classes or dance nights at the local establishments! - Alli W.

The only serious concern I had with the city last year (I live in the downtown area) was the lack of police enforcement when black lives matter protestors blocked the sidewalks and businesses. The sheriff’s department had to come in and enforce existing laws. If this is a pattern in the future, the city planners need to be concerned for the safety of city residents and visitors. - Patricia

I love drama and musicals and would love to have a calendar that would list high school, college, community theatre, and professional opportunities in the Upstate. The school system doesn’t publicize their high schools’ fine arts programs nearly enough and they are underattended. - Linda

Am curious about the current status of Dr. Tom Barton, the dynamic former head of Greenville Tech. - Jim B.

Are the projections for specific demand for all the housing being built in downtown Greenville? Is there overbuilding taking place and if so what will this do to overall housing projects (rental and homeownership)? Is the construction taking place part of the downtown master plan if there is one? - Doug S.

Teen activities/opportunities in GVL - specifically for Jun-Aug. Other newsletters focus on young kids/camps. Dog parks + areas where they can run free/play with other dogs. Manga/Anime in GVL. Take out places - like Cavier & Bananas and Swamp Rabbit Grocery - that offer great dinner options when you don’t have time to cook. Local specialty foods shops - butchers, fish stores, cheese shops, chocolate makers, bakeries, etc. Local specialty retail shops - music stores, jewelry, hardware, bookstores, etc. Regular theater/concert roundup - beyond the Peace Center and downtown venues - including Furman & others school performances. - Miriam K.

Mix in some more UGA news especially during Football season, Athens is only 1.5 hours away and UGA is the 3rd most followed Football team in Greenville behind Clemson and USC. How about them Dawgs?!? - Lee K.
Please include simpsonville, greer, fountain inn, travelers rest information that includes more than restaurants. Thank you. - Jo Ann S

I would find it helpful if you published where food trucks are going to be stationed on a daily basis. I have no idea where to find this data on the internet. - David U.

I think that many readers have voiced the opinion that Greenville needs a downtown movie theatre. In particular, it needs a small “art house” movie theatre that plays independent movies. Many cool cities have them and they don’t have to be large on require extensive parking. I suspect it will occur one day when an enterprising business or civic leader makes it happen. In the meantime, why can’t the Peace Center or Centre Stage or Greenville Little Theatre take up the charge? This does not mean they need to drastically change their format and stop their regular live performances. But perhaps they might devote afternoons or one day a week to playing movies. - Jerry S.

Stories on home remodeling; cheap sources for materials, ideas, current trends, suppliers, custom tradesmen, landscaping sources and trends, etc... - Scott R.

Listing of volunteer and also job opportunities for retirees. I plan to move to Greenville next year and I like to be busy and useful. - Betty F.

More reports on investment opportunities for the standard people of Greenville who want to support Greenville. More details on upcoming charity events for people to join. A focus on the age segments, meaning - what and where can over 50 people go to party? A focus on green energy use/installation/etc for Greenville homeowners and business. - William S.

I’d be interested in tips and advice on how to get in to local and state politics. - Britt F.

109 Wardlaw in downtown Greenville had house taken down and a lot was cleared. What’s in store? - Anna B.

I would love to know more about ways to become involved in ecology/ recycling/water/ conservation projects around this area. - Susie R.

I was wondering if you could find out or tell us more about the timeline and route of the swamp rabbit trail to verdae. Also, about the park that is supposed to go in downtown and where it will be located, layout, and timeframe. - Jen

I would like to see activities that don’t involve alcohol. Seems like a lot of activities involve beer, wine or a cocktail. This includes some activities that are to be family friendly. I know that you like to support local breweries and distilleries. I find it somewhat disturbing that alcohol seems to be necessary at every event. Also, many of the restaurants feature food that may be tasty but is so unhealthy. Grill Marks, Liberty Tap Room, etc. I’ve been to both and enjoy both especially when the Drive are playing a home game. But the food is “heart attack on a plate.” - Bonnie

Best happy hour for each day of the week. Best bars for singles. Date ideas for new people in the area. - @adventureholic01

2018 Young professionals road map to dates - @_baegle

It would be great to know more about the buildings downtown, why were they built? who worked lived there? Who owns them now? What is their plan? (What is the view like ?). Don’t have to be just downtown; some schools, Mills and buildings like the Fluor building and Michelin. - Dave C

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