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Teaching teens + young adults the “4 Ds of Bystander Intervention”

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Check out these tips from the South Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (SCCADVASA), a statewide, membership-based, nonprofit organization committed to ending domestic violence and sexual assault in our state.

Photo provided by SCCADVASA

Local nonprofit SCCADVASA believes that everyone has the power to help stop a potentially dangerous situation — including teens and young adults.

Here are the “4 Ds of Bystander Intervention” to prevent sexual violence:

  • Direct:  Speak up, stay calm, and be clear.
  • Distract:  Create a distraction by asking a question or standing in the way.
  • Delay: Create a delay to let someone walk away.
  • Delegate: Look for help. Examples are a teacher or security guard.

Visit Level Up For Change for more tips and resources.

Learn more from SCCADVASA

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