Where we want to watch The Masters

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FR8 Yard in Spartanburg is ideal for you, whether you have 3 kids or you’re a local college student.

FR8 Yard is the latest and greatest creation by Hub City Hospitality (owners of *both* Willy Taco locations), and it’s perfectly situated right in the middle of Main Street in downtown Spartanburg. The space was just an empty lot after The Elite restaurant burned down in 1961, which was considered one of the fanciest S.C. restaurants at the time.

Here’s what we 👏🏽 can 👏🏽 not 👏🏽 wait for:

🌷 Spring weather so we can sit outside at the long, skinny German-style tables and meet new friends (furry friends, too)

🍻 14 beers on draft + kegged cocktails that are seriously what dreams are made of

🌭 Brats (called yarddogs) and apple + sage brats for the vegetarians out there. We also highly recommend trying their pretzel bites 😋

Plus, serious #aestheticgoals:

⚙ Wood burning fireplaces + metalwork created by local artist Kevin Belue

📺 A 13’ x 9’ Jumbotron for watching alllll the games. FR8 Yard created metal slanted roofs over their Jumbotron to keep bricks from falling on the yard from historical side buildings.

🏟 The bar, kitchen, and upstairs event spaces were created by shipping containers purchased from a local company. P.S. the stadium seats on the upstairs deck were originally from Duncan Park’s baseball stadium (and rumored to have once seated fans in the Phillies stadium)

🏆 As always, it wouldn’t be a southern outdoor institution without cornhole so yes, there’s that too.

Edit: A previous version stated Kenneth Cribb as the sole-owner of FR8 Yard + Willy Taco. This has since been edited to include all owners of Hub City Hospitality: Bill Burton, Eric Holman, William Cribb, Richard Heatly, Kenneth Cribb + Steve Corson.

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