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Roper Mountain Science Center’s rocking summer laser show

Experience a new kind of concert featuring lasers set to the music of popular artists.

GVL Today Laser Days of Summer Roper Mountain Science Center

We WILL be using actual lasers in this course. | Provided by Wikipedia Commons

No, these aren’t lightsabers. Roper Mountain Science Center has real lasers, and they are using them to put on an optical concert.

During Laser Days of Summer, you can experience a unique light show set to the music of artists like Elton John, The Beatles, and Taylor Swift. The shows in the Planetarium last ~45 minutes — and you’ll want to keep your head on a swivel. Most of the displays will be near the ceiling, but some of them will be behind you in the 360-degree experience.

The shows run multiple times a day through Friday, Aug. 4., and tickets are $8 per adult and $4 per child.

Pro tip: Get to the Planetarium early and play with some of the interactive games in the lobby.