Greenville, SC Facebook groups to join based on your interests

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Who knows Greenville best? You, Greenvillians. Sometimes you just need advice or recommendations from other GVL residents. That’s why we’re rounding up local Facebook community groups to join based on your interests.

What public groups are you in that need to be on this list? Make sure the groups are public for all Greenvillians to join and let us know .

Check out these 30+ groups for:

Greenvillians | Local recommendations — from restaurants to doctors, contractors, photographers, and everything in between + Greenville and Upstate history

Foodies | Food-related topics, restaurant openings, events + where to find the best _____

Parents | Neighborhood recommendations, family-friendly events + kid news in the Upstate

Dog parents | Dog-friendly places, pups up for adoption, and recommendations for groomers, boarders + vets

Busy bees | Events across the Upstate, from festivals + pop-up shops to trivia nights and grand openings

Outdoors-lovers | Trail recommendations, hiking and camping tips + photos of SC scenery

Music-lovers | Jam sessions, music festivals + live music at venues across the Upstate

Arts | General arts events, occasions, and different mediums

Green thumbs | Volunteer gardeners, farm-fresh products for sale + plant swaps

Home buyers + renters | Sell, buy, rent, or sublease

Thrifters | Groups to buy, sell, trade, or find items for free

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